Angela DIng
10/2/2024 09:30:31 am
Assimilation is necessary to a moderate extent in a society. According to Verywell Mind, "Those who advocate for cultural assimilation believe that it decreased conflict, contributes to a more cohesive national identity, and improves the social and economic opportunities for minority individuals." One one hand, assimilation is necessary for the society to be successful and allow immigrants and citizens to live a peaceful life. On the other hand, too much assimilation could be bad as immigrants would lose their own culture and traditions. The society could become too uniform and not have any diversity.
Navin Kunnimalaiyaan
10/31/2024 07:25:11 am
Assimilation can be necessary in a society to promote social cohesion and unity among diverse groups. When individuals from various backgrounds adopt shared cultural norms and values, it can facilitate communication, reduce misunderstandings, and enhance collaboration. However, the extent of assimilation should be balanced with the preservation of cultural identities. While some level of assimilation may help maintain societal stability, it is crucial to encourage multiculturalism, allowing different cultures to coexist and contribute to the broader society. This approach fosters respect, understanding, and appreciation of diversity, ultimately enriching the social fabric.
10/3/2024 03:48:35 pm
In a society, assimilation is necessary to a moderate extent. According to an article by the University of Maryland, "...gaining acceptance by the major culture forces immigrants to resort to assimilation...the loss of one’s unique cultural identity." Assimilation has advantages regarding social integration, economic prospects, and political engagement, but it can also have drawbacks. One's language, traditions, and customs may gradually disappear due to pressure to fit in with the dominant culture; this will eventually cause the society to become less diverse in terms of culture.
Shailee Mahajan
10/5/2024 02:01:04 pm
Assimilation in society is required to a moderate degree. Human Rights Careers states that assimilation "creates a more cohesive cultural identity, reduces cultural conflict, and helps immigrants gain more social and economic opportunities". While assimilation is associated with terror and loss of culture, this was a product of forced assimilation, where one party was forced to give up every aspect of their culture such as the Native Americans being forced to give up their culture and language. However, in modern day society, many who assimilate to a society do it out of choice to fit in and blend with the culture that they are living in. Assimilation can be harmful and lead to loss of culture, however in a country like America that is known as a "melting pot" of cultures, people can keep their own culture yet still be part of the American culture. This assimilation is helpful to create a more cohesive and conflict-free society.
Assimilation is required to a moderate degree. According to the manhattan institute, it is necessary for a migrant to assimiate in order to succeed in the country. They must learn the dominant language and the social norms. However, this does not mean that they must fully assimilate into the culture, as it is still possible to retain elements of your own culture while assimilating into a different place. Examples include following your own religion or traditions or speaking your native language.
Sanjiv Thangaraj
10/6/2024 02:21:27 pm
Assimilation is necessary to a moderate extent in a society. According to Samuel P. Huntington’s novel "Who Are We? The Challenges to America's National Identity", "A society's success depends on a common culture and shared values, which requires a certain degree of assimilation. However, assimilation should not mean the loss of diverse identities but the adaptation to core civic values that bind society together." The first part of this quote, where is says "common culture and shared values", emphasizes that society needs certain shared principles. For example, laws or a common language such as English. The second part, "assimilation should not mean the loss of diverse identities", states how assimilation should not be absolute, stripping people of their unique backgrounds. Rather, it should encourage a shared commitment to principles like democracy, justice, and freedom, without enforcing complete cultural uniformity among everyone. This proves how assimilation should be moderate in society since it helps maintain social stability and success. In a nutshell, assimilation is necessary to a moderate degree in society to ensure social cohesion while respecting and maintaining cultural differences.
Sai Laasyasri Potta
10/6/2024 07:08:23 pm
Assimilation is necessary in a society to a moderate extent. For instance, as per Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR), "Children with less-foreign-sounding names completed more years of schooling, earned more, and were less likely to be unemployed". Although assimilation can have a positive effect, English Language Advocates contradicts by saying, assimilation holds a disadvantage towards immigrants and people in the community. In the case of children with less-foreign-sounding names, assimilation is beneficial as it pertains to an economic benefit from more children being able to confidently complete their studies and get employed. With more employment from assimilation, an area(country, state, etc.) experiences economic growth, in which especially immigrants benefit. On the other hand, assimilation can be negative as it can results in the loss of true identity. Although assimilation promotes economic growth, it has a negative social impact of reducing true identity, making assimilation in society necessary to a moderate extent.
10/6/2024 07:59:36 pm
Assimilation is required to a moderate extent. Assimilation helps people adapt. For example the human rights center states"Full assimilation is only necessary if the dominant culture demands conformity to be successful and if becoming more like the dominant culture is beneficial.".Showing how it depends on the culture but is required to moderate extent.Everyone doesn't have to adapt but its good if they can immerse themselves.
Yashita Gandhi
10/11/2024 09:35:36 am
Assimilation is necessary to a moderate extent. If immigrants assimilate too much, their culture and traditions may be affected and even lost. However, assimilation helped people adapt. It lets them learn about get better job oppurtunities and learn a language to easily communicate with others. According to Stanford, "Children with less-foreign-sounding names completed more years of schooling, earned more, and were less likely to be unemployed than their counterparts whose names sounded more foreign. " This shows that cultural identity may be lost in the process of assimilation, but it allows for better opportunities.
Shaili Nahar
10/13/2024 11:08:26 am
Assimilation is necessary to a moderate extent as little assimilation may help in the connection/communication between people however higher extent of assimilation can lead to loss of cultural identity. According to UMD, Department of English, "assimilation forces immigrants to lose their cultural diversity and ways of their homeland." This shows that cultural identity can be lost in a society that has a superior identity. In conclusion, assimilation should be done to a moderate extent to balance out personal uniqueness and common connection/communication in a diversified society.
10/13/2024 03:08:34 pm
Assimilation is necessary to a moderate extent in society. According to Jay Patel from the University of Maryland, "Due to the difference in cultures, gaining acceptance by the major culture forces immigrants to resort to assimilation. While this initial assimilation may be beneficial allowing immigrants to fit in, it also comes at a cost, the loss of one’s unique cultural identity." This shows that even though assimilation is good for migrants to not feel left out, they lose their own culture in the process. This results in a loss of identity and as the migrant will feel like they do not belong to either culture. With the fact that there is a loss of identity, assimilating to a moderate extent allows for the migrant to connect to both cultures so they do not feel left out and have their own unique sense of identity.
Mahnoor Khan
10/14/2024 08:07:21 am
I think that assimilation us necessary to a moderate extent, people that have newly come to another country need to understand things like language so that they can function properly and that other people understand them also. Assimilation should not erase their entire identity, it is only necessary to help them integrate into society effectivley and be a function part of society.
Jubilee Varghese
10/18/2024 03:52:40 am
Assimilation is necessary to a moderate extent, for the sake of functionality, but one does not need to completely drop their own cultural backgrounds and unique aspects to fit the standards of a different place. "Immigrant leaders and advocates claim that America is a racist society that will not allow 'people of color' to become part of the mainstream of American life. Alternatively, it is argued that the assimilation of such individuals into that mainstream is an insidious process that robs them of their history and self-esteem." On on hand, it is difficult for people to take part in society if they do not assimilate, but on the other hand, they may not wish to take part, because doing so might cause them to lose their own cultural identity. If one moves to a new place, they may wish to learn the language and understand what is considered rude or respectful so that that they can understand what goes on around them and can avoid offending others, but that does not mean that they need to stop speaking their own language or holding their own beliefs. As they say, you can take a person out of a place, but you can't take the place out of a person. A moderate degree of assimilation allows people to be functional members of their new community while still maintaining the aspects of the old that are most important to them.
Michael Pham
10/25/2024 09:32:01 am
Assimilation is necessary to a moderate extent in society. as those who assimilate into a culture different from their original culture can move around in the new culture with greater ease. Difference can usually result in outcast, because difference in a person is seen as "not normal". In an article by the University of Maryland they describe Assimilation as " beneficial allowing immigrants to fit in, it also comes at a cost, the loss of one's unique cultural identity." Though moderate Assimilation is important in todays unified society one should still be able to practice their original culture in peace without ridicule.
Brandon Tran
10/25/2024 09:39:49 am
Assimilation is not necessary to a large extent because forcing people to take in different cultures which they wouldn't like creates a toxic relationship between the colonizers and the natives like when the Spanish infiltrated the Americas. This caused the people of the Americas to rebel which lost caused the Spanish to lose a lot of control. However, to an extent, assimilation benefits both natives and foreigners. By taking in the cultural tradition of the native population, foreigners are capable to communicate and integrate into society. This means that in my opinion, it is usually better when foreigners assimilate to the natives instead of when the natives assimilate to the foreigners. This is because whenever the natives assimilate, it is usually forced.
Zahra Gheewalla
10/27/2024 03:28:37 pm
Cultural assimilation is necessary to a varying degree based on the kind of society in which the culture exist, and how ethnocentric the people's attitude is toward other, foreign cultures. For example, in a country like the United States, cultural assimilation is less necessary with the presence of ethnic enclaves such as little Havana in Miami, Mahatma Gandhi district in Houston, or Chinatown in San Francisco which has the highest population of ethnically Chinese people outside of China. Ethnic enclaves allow people to live outside of their home country and still practice their cultures openly, reducing the need for assimilation. Additionally, the number of migrants in a country can change the level of acceptance and tolerance of other cultures which can reduce or increase the need for assimilation. Meanwhile, in countries like Japan, 98.5% of people are Japanese, making it an ethnically homogeneous country, reducing the need for assimilation by people within the country, but increasing the need of assimilation by outsiders. In essence the level of assimilation that occurs within a society depends on its demography just as much as it depends on its cultural attitude.
Amber Chu
10/27/2024 05:01:46 pm
Assimilation in a society is required to a moderate extent as it provides the person with many opportunities. According to people who spoke another language other than English at home were less likely to be employed. Assimilation provides people with the tools to have success economically. While keeping one's own cultural aspects is necessary it is also important to assimilate as a way to adapt to the surrounding cultures as a way to enhance one's living.
Emily Zhang
10/27/2024 07:30:53 pm
Assimilation is necessary to the extent that it allows immigrants to feel accepted and avoid isolation in a new society. It helps them transition into unfamiliar environments and gives them the resources needed for their success. However, according to an article by the University of Maryland, fully assimilating results in losing one’s cultural identity, as when immigrants feel isolated from their culture, unaccepted, and have a lack of social support, they might experience a sense of rejection, alienation, and poor self-esteem. Therefore, while some extent of assimilation is important, adapting enough to fit in while preserving cultural roots is the most ideal for both personal well being and society overall.
Ariya Kamrani
10/28/2024 04:38:03 pm
Assimilation is necessary to a moderate extent in the case of making those of other cultures to not feel as though they are aliens of another planet. It of course provides people of different cultures with opportunities such as job opportunities. When a society has a difference in cultures there tends to be a certain amount of conflict between them due to the difference in ideas. Assimilation does have good and bad effects, assimilation is not always by choice, in some cases assimilation is forced upon a cultural group that has to abandon their own culture for the other. For example, the Native Americans are an older example but still a prime example of forced assimilation. Even today forced assimilation is still occurring. That is why assimilation is only moderately necessary in a society.
Shengze Lai
10/30/2024 06:21:46 am
I believe that assimilation is necessary to a greater extent in a society, but the degree of assimilation does not have to be too great. The Oxford Languages Dictionary defines a "society" as: "the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community." For the community to be more or less ordered, there has to be at least some degree of harmony. Without a basic common ground, like at least speaking the same language, a society cannot be more or less ordered. This is why assimilation is necessary to a greater extent in a society, but the degree of assimilation does not have to be large at all. Even just speaking the same language as others should be enough.
Moyoninuoluwa Doherty
10/30/2024 06:25:22 pm
Assimilation as defined by, is the process whereby individuals or groups of differing ethnic heritage are absorbed into the dominant culture of a society. I believe assimilation is necessary to an extent, as it can create social unity and a shared sense of identity. However, it's also important to preserve individual cultural heritage and diversity, as this contributes to a more inclusive society where different backgrounds are respected and celebrated. Finding a balance between assimilation and cultural preservation allows for mutual understanding and respect, fostering a society where everyone can feel both connected and true to their roots.
Yash Ganatra
10/31/2024 05:16:31 pm
Assimilation unifies people within a community by providing a starting ground, such as a common language or values. This may reduce further misunderstandings and allow easier collaboration. However, the moment assimilation is made overly strong, then it erases the culture and identity of the people, thereby weakening diversity. A balanced approach would allow them to feel connected without losing the strength of each unique background. In such a way, society reaps the benefits of unity but also the richness of multiple outlooks.
Ishan Narkar
10/31/2024 09:11:23 pm
When people move into a new society, assimalating can help them fit in and feel more at home. Assimalation also helps people understand each other better. But sometimes, if people feel pressured to leave their original culture behind because they might feel like they're losing a part of themselves. I feel the best approach is a balance where everyone can feel like they belong without giving up who they are. However, it depends on how much a society values inclusivness while still letting people be themselves.
Aiden Ly B4
10/31/2024 09:56:51 pm
It is the urge for assimilation in a society that balances social cohesion with cultural diversity. Assimilation can be a process in which a sense of unity may be created through shared values, language, and norms, promoting better understanding and cooperation among people from varied backgrounds. Social conflict will also be reduced as a sense of belonging and, consequently, national identity is reinforced. However, if this is pursued too zealously, it risks cultural homogenization and can result in minorities feeling they will be forced to abandon their distinctive practices and sense of identity. More positively, society might try to pursue an ideal of integration: individuals remain rooted in their own culture but also take on essential strands from the host culture to create harmony in diversity. Therefore, assimilation becomes an issue to the extent that it represents one's society through the multifarious ways of expressing identities within one framework.
Katherine Nguyen B4
10/31/2024 11:42:32 pm
To a moderate extent, assimilation is necessary to society because it helps communicate effectively between different cultures. According, to Britanica, assimilation is taking on the traits of a dominant culture, this can help unify different cultures in society. Too much assimilation can be bad though, it can encourage minorities to abandon their culture and language to assimilate into the more dominant group. This can create a generational gap between immigrants, because of how the older generation assimilated and did not bother to teach the younger generation of their own culture.
Damian Valdes
11/1/2024 11:32:33 am
I believe assimilation is required to a moderate extent. Assimilation has the ability to unify a society by bringing people together under one dominate language or culture, bringing together a common understanding of culture for people from vastly different backgrounds. However, with assimilation being enforced to a major extent, it gets rid of the traits of a society that make it unique. For example this may be the diversity of cultures, or the diversity of heritage. This is why assimilation has to be moderate, to where individuals can still express freedom in their backgrounds.
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