The government should not censor social media because it would be unconstitutional to do so. According to the American Library Association, the First Amendment guarantees us freedom of speech and publishing. This amendment is seen as a rule that forbids government censorship. This rule should be upheld, even in the internet, as the internet is a place used for people to express their opinions. Censoring social media would be like repressing a movement's ideas.
Shaili Nahar
8/15/2024 06:05:18 pm
The government should not censor social media as it would be unconstitutional to achieve this. According to the Bill of Rights Institute, the First Amendment prohibits abridging the freedom of speech/ability to publish. Social media is a major platform where people tend to express themselves/ practice freedom of speech. Consequently, by governments censoring social media it would not allow people to practice their first amendment rights. Violation of the First Amendment should not be done and the right should be upheld.
Yashita Gandhi
8/16/2024 09:26:48 am
I believe that the government should not censor social media as it violates the rights of Americans. Also, many citizens would not be content with this decision and could lead to many protests. According to the Bill of Rights, the 1st Amendment states that Americans have the freedom of speech. Social media is a way to express one's thoughts and censoring that would violate the amendments. 9/18/2024 09:54:35 pm
The government should not censor social media because it would be VERY unconstitutional to do so. According to the Bill of Rights, one of the amendments which is the First Amendment which guarantees us freedom of speech and publishing, which is seen through the website U.S Constitution- First Amendment | Library of Congress. If the government restricts social media it is indirectly stealing our right to freedom of speech, as seen in China where on social media its only educational, this might be good for overall students education and for them to succeed in real life. But does this bring joy in students? No. Social media is supposed to be a getaway from reality, a place where you can go to enjoy yourself and not have to worry about a test, project, or homework 24/7, its supposed to be a stress reliever, not just for students but for adults too, it can also be a place to be your true self, and a way to show your talent to the world. If the government restricts undoubtedly important piece to everyone, it will downgrade everyone's morale and will just be educational which is not always fun when doing hw, tests, projects everyday. So overall I think the government should not censor social media as it takes away our freedom and our half happiness.
Angela DIng
8/16/2024 02:21:05 pm
The government should censor social media because it harms the mental health of users especially teens. According to Yale Medicine, teens who use social media for more than three hours a day face twice the risk of having mental health concerns like depression and anxiety. Social media should be a positive place to share opinions and thoughts, instead it has turned into a community that can harm others. For the sake of everyone's mental health, social media should be censored to some extent.
Mathushree Venkatesan Sasikala
8/16/2024 05:35:56 pm
The government should not censor social media because most people find loopholes around it. According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, if most young people have an idea they want to search, they will look it up legally or illegally, no matter what. Censoring social media leads teens to find a way to overcome it and do what they want, which could show more harmful and unregulated content. By doing this, the government would unknowingly push the teens into unmonitored areas of social media. A better strategy would be to encourage digital awareness, responsible online conduct, and the creation of safe spaces for discussion in place of social media censorship. By the government doing this, they would help people navigate social media sensibly and safely.
Sanjiv Thangaraj
8/21/2024 10:43:47 pm
While the government censoring social media may be seen as a dangerous threat to the First Amendment, censorship can protect consumers from misleading information and false advertisement. According to the World Health Organization, when the article states that the largest amount of misleading posts during the COVID-19 Pandemic were the posts that deliberately challenged policies and international public organizations, it states that "one flagrant example of [misinformation] is “Plandemic,” a 26-minute conspiracy theory video that falsely accuses Dr Anthony Fauci, the leading infectious disease expert in the United States, of manufacturing the virus and sending it to China. The same video falsely claims that wearing masks will lead to self-infection. More than 8 million people watched the video across social media before it was taken down" (World Health Organization, "Immunizing the public against misinformation", 25 August 2020). This video had gained over 8 million views, showing how unchecked information can diffuse in the wrong direction and create harmful consequences. Not only will there be people refusing to take the vaccinations or not following the public protocols, there will be high consequences and aftermaths such as mass human deaths. The "Plandemic" video reflects on how misinformation can create trust issues between the general public and the health care system. Therefore, if the government censors sensitive misleading information on social media, it could help prevent the spread of misleading information and save many lives.
Jigyasa Prabhakar
8/17/2024 09:52:17 am
The government should not censor social media platforms because it reduces competition and progress in the market economy. Social media is one of the most influential platforms for our economy and social standards. The Brookings Institute highlights the issue of censorshipby writing, "social media regulatory laws requiring companies to hire employees to censor content lead to an uprise of small social media companies shutting down." Essentially, we limit the social media market to large social media companies, allowing them to upcharge on marketing, foster a perspective of their chosen ideas, and limit ideation/innovation. This leads to innovation, unique perspective, and marketing in our economy falling apart which is detrimental to the entire US. Instead, encouraging digital awareness and pushing for digital conduct on the platform would be more effective to reach similar goals of censorship without harming businesses or consumers.
Amber Chu
8/17/2024 02:20:18 pm
The government should censor social media as it can be harmful to a child's mindset under the context that they are censoring hateful content and misinformation. The amount of hate and harassment a child can receive and read online is a lot, and overwhelming. These things can influence a child to partake in harmful behavior and have an unhealthy mindset. According to research done by JAMA Pediatricts, children who are cyberbullied are more likely to consider suicide. Suicide is one of the reasons for the death of young people, this is connected to bulling they can receive online. In addition, according to The Wall Street Journal, more than half US middle-schoolers cannot distinguish online advertisements from fact or fiction. The many false advertisements seen online can convince a child to partake in poor decisions. If this keeps up, they will be less prepared to make important decisions in the future.
Emily Zhang
8/17/2024 05:22:19 pm
The government should censor social media, especially when it comes to children and adolescents. According to BMJ Paediatr Open, dangerous trends on social media can pose a public health risk. The journal mentions how a recent trend on TikTok called "Dragon's Breath", which involves a snack dipped in liquid nitrogen, led to serious injuries like burns and esophageal damage in children. Social media platforms usually do not regulate their content well, allowing these trends that promote dangerous behaviors to spread quickly. Furthermore, many social media platforms do not have effective ways to verify their users' ages. Children and teens can easily access to these kinds of content as a result. If the government were able to censor social media, the exposure of harmful and possibly life-threatening content to children and teens could be prevented.
Katherine Nguyen
8/17/2024 08:44:18 pm
The government should not censor social media as it is able to reduce a citizen's insight on their country and their opinions. For example, in China, the events that occurred in Tienanmen Square were quickly covered up by the government. As said by the Council of Foreign Relations, "Certain websites that the government deems potentially dangerous—like Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and some Google services—are fully blocked or temporarily “blacked out” during periods of controversy". With the media outlook being controlled greater than ever and a mandate for citizens to never speak of the event again, events like Tienanmen Square and content on social media that "destroy China's reputation" are constantly covered up to control the public's opinion on their government. By limiting a citizen's access to any potential media that can cause political instability, it reduces a citizen's look into their own country, only believing the positive items that are presented to them.
Olivia Bui
8/18/2024 12:55:38 pm
The government should not censor social media, due to the fact that it violates the people's right of free speech and press. The First Amendment of the U.S. Bill of Rights states, "Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." Censoring social media would directly violate this right, by limiting the common people's ideas and speech. This could lead to the government abusing their power to silence unwanted opinions, which could potentially lead to an authoritarian government.
Shengze Lai
8/18/2024 07:58:29 pm
No, the government should not censor social media as it would be unconstitutional to do so. Social media is a form of easily accessible free speech that can reach many people, making it very useful for those who want their voices heard. This falls exactly under the first amendment, which requires the government to give its citizens the right to free speech without government interference or regulation. By censoring social media and therefore taking away an extent of free speech, America would not be the "land of the free" anymore.
Clayton Bermudez
8/19/2024 07:25:44 am
The government should not regulate social media, because these apps are bit the property of a company. The government should not force them to change their practice if nothing illegal is taking place. It is a parents responsibility to ensure that they are okay with what their child watches.
Azul Escobar
8/19/2024 11:29:03 am
Social media should be kept alive and running for the world to function because of communications, entertainment, and the ability to learn new things. The government should not ban social media because it is one of the most helpful forms of communication we have now. According to Tuffs Univeristy "Social media not only allows you to hear what people say about you, but enables you to respond." This proves that this wouldn't be a good idea.
Reagyn Leggington
8/19/2024 06:19:35 pm
No the government should not censor social media it was made to be a platform for people to voice their opinions. Which is clearly stated in the first amendment of the US Constitution. The government shouldn't censor social media since its a platform where people are exercising there freedom of speech make it unethical to take it away.According to ACLU professor "We are simply exercising our rights to freedom of speech."Supporting the idea of how the government shouldn't censor social media.
Michael Pham
8/20/2024 11:03:51 am
No, the government should not censor social media. It was made for what people think and their opinions. The government should not because It would also violate the First Amendment in the bill of right, free speech. The First Amendment provides "that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." this piece of evidence shows that if they did censor social media it would contradict the First Amendment and there would be no point of the bill of right.
Isabella Gowda
8/20/2024 08:03:29 pm
Yes, the government should censor social media because unlimited access can be harmful to certain people, specifically teens and children. Setting age limits on social media is important for several reasons. According to the Child Mind Institute, unregulated social media access can promote anxiety and low self esteem. While it is important to have a safe place to express our feelings and opinions freely, the negative impacts it has on children, the people who will eventually run our country, are more important. For this reason, the government should censor some aspects of social media up to a certain age.
Katherine Nguyen B4
8/20/2024 08:24:07 pm
No, the government should not censor social media because doing so would violate the First Amendment. The First Amendment states that Congress shall make no law that respects a religion or any exercise of freedom. Social media is a way for people to voice their opinions without judgment. Censoring a platform people use for their voices to be heard would repress our right of speech.
Angela Chen B1
8/20/2024 10:39:17 pm
The government should not social media, as it would violate the First Amendment, which states that Congress cannot not prohibit the rights of free speech, exercise of the press, religious freedom, and to peacefully assemble, all of which would be violated when censoring media. In addition, installing firewalls to block access to social media would only lead to individuals discovering dangerous methods in order to reach such platforms, would could potentially lead to the private information of many citizens getting sold. According to the University of Houston-Downtown, the Supreme Court has not favorably viewed laws regulating social media, as they feel they cannot ban all speech activities because of a few hate comments. Rather, UHD believes it's better to have companies self-regulate in order to protect individuals against hateful content. This is a better solution, as it allows companies to have more precise rules that are suited for themselves, rather than a wide-range of rules that might not cooperate with a company's application.
Brandon Tran B1
8/22/2024 05:11:31 pm
The government should not censor social media as "Freedom of Speech" is the first and possibly the most important amendment. According to the "Bill of Rights", the First Amendment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment prohibiting the freedom of speech". This presents how censoring people's ideas and beliefs would completely contradict the First Amendment. The censorship of social media would block citizens from sharing their ideas and beliefs which may negatively impact society by creating a lot of protesters whose ideas aren't expressed to society.
Zahra Gheewalla
8/22/2024 07:46:40 pm
Social media could benefit from being placed under restrictions. Regulated social media intake could particularly instigate less of the negative aspects of social media exposure on young adults. Multiple findings from the CDC show the correlation between the unregulated informational overload of social media on adolescents and its negative effects on their health. In one study, the increased susceptibility to E-cigarettes has been linked to exposure of these devices via social media and desensitization to them for teens. In another study, teen mental health is at an all time low with the increased social pressures and suicide rates being associated with cyber bullying and unmonitored time spent on social media. Namely, social anxiety rates and body dysmorphia have been increasingly more prevalent in females ages 13-16 and can be attributed to the overload of information to teens online. In essence, social media being regulated to some extent would limit exposure to the kind of media that has detrimental health effects.
Gheewalla, Zahra
8/22/2024 07:51:12 pm
Sai Laasyasri Potta
8/23/2024 04:26:04 pm
The government should not censor social media by placing restrictions and blocking what can be sent and unseen, because doing so would violate the right of expressing oneself freely. For instance, the first amendment of the Bill of Rights enables freedom of multiple rights including speech, the power of protesting if necessary to express opinions, and practice(according to their beliefs or religion). With the government censoring social media, any posts or comments would be regulated or checked before being uploaded, resulting in a sort of restriction to occur, based on the liking of the government. With governmental regulations, some information would be uploaded while the other parts may or would be disregarded by purpose, resulting in inequality of certain opinions not being represented. Therefore, restrictions would violate a citizen's right in the US of having freedom of speech and power of being able to represent a standpoint.
Saumit Chitalia
8/23/2024 07:23:02 pm
The government should not censor social media as it would violate the bill of rights and the constitution. For example, the first amendment includes many freedoms, a few of which are the freedom of speech, freedom to assemble and freedom of press. If the government should censor social media it would lead to a limit on media received and posted resulting in a taking away of freedom of speech and press. These reasons are why the government should not censor social media as it would lead to the taking away of basic rights and violate the constitution of the United States.
I think the government should not regulate or censor social media because it goes against the first amendment of the constitution. The first amendment specifically stops the government from restricting or censoring free speech which includes social media. Even though social media has had a negative impact on many people such as reducing the time they spend outside and promoting drugs to children, censorship of people opinions on social platforms does not solve the problem at the root, only force people to move to different social platforms or try to go around regulations.
Eshal Khemani
9/2/2024 09:35:31 pm
No, the government should not censor social media as it violates the first amendment which includes freedom of speech. Censorship can block people ideas and thoughts from being shared and puts a limit on public discussion. Censorship takes away peoples right to give opinions, however social media helps people feel as though they have a voice. Peoples opinions on social media can change the world to be a better place. Therefore, censorship and restriction puts a stop to freedom of speech and takes away the rights stated in the first amendment.
Alex Song
9/18/2024 05:45:28 pm
The government should not censor social media in any capacity since that infringes on first amendment rights against free speech. In addition, this could be easily skewed to favor the party at power in the federal government. Which would create cyclicality and irreversibility of corruption.
Ragasanjana Manyam
9/19/2024 03:46:04 am
I think the government should censor social media because many types of media on the internet are inappropriate for various audiences it serves. For example, adult scenes that may come on Reels are inappropriate for children and racist posts on other platforms are inappropriate for different groups to see. Although it's not very likely to be possible that the government will censor social media due to the high amount of media that gets posted and the impossibility of censoring every bit of that media, the government still should censor media in my opinion.
Zuhair Sidiq
9/19/2024 07:26:41 pm
I do not believe that the government should be able to censor social media. Although I do agree certain things are definitely inappropriate for children of young ages to be able to see, this censorship can easily get out of hand. If the government were allowed to censor young children's content, it would eventually seep into the censorship of vital content which should be available to people of all ages as well, harming the idea of freedom of speech. According to the Bill of Rights, the Congress is not allowed to make any law which limits the freedom of speech in any way. Therefore, the government has absolutely no right to censor any part of social media. To combat the issue of children's content availability, more emphasis should be put onto the parent to handle that.
1/30/2025 04:18:39 pm
The government should not censor social media because it is an obstruction of free speech as well as free expression. For example, censoring social media can block peoples ´ self expression by limiting the types of media they can produce as well as consume. This is a clear violation of the first amendment as it does not allow people to freely express themselves or their opinions via social media platforms. Therefore, the government should not censor social media platforms.
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